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重绘十字绣图 今日: 0|主题: 15711|排名: 8 

2、pat 文件:Pcstitch 软件格式,低版本不兼容高版本,推荐 Pcstitch 9 版本。xsd 文件:Pattern maker for cross stitch 4 软件格式。
隐藏置顶帖 ◇◇◇店版规则与申请租版◇◇◇ 动手频道 2010-7-15 045499 动手频道 2010-7-15 23:32
隐藏置顶帖 ◆◆◆申请租用论坛广告位◆◆◆ 动手频道 2009-12-21 087998 动手频道 2009-12-21 22:34
隐藏置顶帖 [用品] 重绘版发贴必读、下载扣格子、获得格子【12年2月1日】 动手频道 2008-8-14 06476 动手频道 2008-8-14 16:17
[动物] 莲花天鹅 attachment mingfei14 2010-2-25 7198 linasc 6 天前
[其他重绘] Christmas-village-series-圣诞村系列 attach_img 夏楼梯 2022-12-19 351 lastpiece 6 天前
[风景] 三联 牧归 attachment bbzxy56 2010-12-20 2197 菜鸟致 2024-6-7 10:50
[静物] Dim35146-Chair with flowers attachment ybyxzii 2008-11-21 2318 兮颜_Angel 2024-5-28 04:29
[动物卡通] YD-MH-330和YD-MH328 attachment 二小言西 2010-12-18 8350 ying8800 2024-5-23 17:51
[动物] 杂志图 - A chaffinch in summer attachment 祢荨 2013-7-20 12674 superlollypop 2024-5-23 15:35
[其他重绘] DOME 91102 Study Room attachment meroSmero 2010-12-25 9326 韓-韩韩 2024-5-20 15:48
[风景] 【Lanarte】 34472 Country Home attachment youu 2008-9-28 3430 sad88 2024-5-17 15:21
[人物卡通] 胖女孩 attachment digest taolin 2009-9-21 11509 寂寞如海洋 2024-5-16 19:22
[静物] 浪漫餐厅 attachment maomi_lu 2011-10-2 11238 韓-韩韩 2024-5-15 08:13
[风景] 超好看的庭院蔷薇 attachment 猫猫绣 2008-11-28 9591 sad88 2024-5-14 10:20
[风景] 【Dimensions】65077 Bicycle Afternoon - [阅读权限 30]attachment agree costea 2009-11-17 3168 dogla 2024-5-11 12:22
[动物] 昊坤--牡丹孔雀图 attach_img coral_0451 2024-5-2 357 ZHWYYD2 2024-5-10 14:49
[风景] 昊坤梦幻家园系列4 - [阅读权限 40]attachment y-wy@163.com 2010-8-5 5117 某某某 2024-5-8 08:49
[人物卡通] Thomas Kinkade Disney Collection 52501 Pinocho Wishes upon a star attachment jimena 2016-4-1 5389 lastpiece 2024-5-8 07:50
[风景] ZR DL-010 COZY COURT attachment xstitchlover 2011-4-29 1122 小黑喵儿 2024-5-5 15:47
[花草] DMC绚彩线绣图 attachment 莪狠悻富 2010-12-6 14393 小黑喵儿 2024-5-5 14:13
[动物] Cross Stitch Gold 23--Peacock Footstool attach_img coral_0451 2024-5-2 573 寂寞如海洋 2024-5-5 13:19
[花草] PV11-1 Fresh Cuttings attachment Iane 2008-5-17 9874 馨声cherry 2024-5-5 09:40
[中国风] 重绘明兰花 attachment bonito 2008-1-31 14945 馨声cherry 2024-5-5 09:32
[人物] 1011 children attach_img yeahlucie 2024-3-15 240 lastpiece 2024-5-5 09:24
[抱枕] 玫瑰靠垫(3色) attachment digest  ...2 cocoboby 2008-4-16 16911 馨声cherry 2024-5-5 08:42
[中国风] riolis的中国牡丹花鸟 attachment digest  ...2 zhjf0914 2008-5-16 201356 馨声cherry 2024-5-5 08:41
[花草] PV的一系列花草图(PCS) attachment digest ybyxzii 2008-8-2 11987 馨声cherry 2024-5-5 08:40
[抱枕] 好多抱枕,80个左右吧【pat.xsd都有】 attachment digest  ...23 blue0705 2008-4-21 402600 馨声cherry 2024-5-5 08:38
[人物] 【原绘】MD02 Fairy_Moon美女望月(原图重绘,完整版) attachment digest  ...2 mendie96 2008-5-17 251723 馨声cherry 2024-5-5 08:36
[抱枕] 【DMC K4317 FRUIT CUSHION】【209*210】【xsd】 attachment xstitchlover 2011-7-22 1136 馨声cherry 2024-5-5 00:01
[风景] DIM 70-35285 Lakeside Village attachment 福龙宝宝 2012-5-15 3477 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 16:37
[抱枕] Dome 41102 Peony 红牡丹抱枕 attachment amycheung 2009-10-21 5426 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 16:33
[动物] lanarte 35033 两只鹦鹉 attachment yinjue85 2015-8-7 71300 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 16:28
[花草] Lanarte 34735 Flowers on the Chair attachment agree  ...2 nawti 2012-7-14 151503 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 16:27
[动物卡通] 【小肥马系列三幅】【125*81等】 attachment 言火火 2010-4-16 13239 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 14:02
[花草] 10178-ANC 艳丽罂粟 attachment keep0323 2017-9-4 4332 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 13:38
[花草] anchor 菊花 attachment 草莓小丸子 2010-12-30 4180 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 13:36
[动物] 【Dimensions】35205 Winter Retreat attachment 彩云飘飘 2009-7-23 4453 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 13:34
[花草] 杂志图 紫藤花 attachment pandora_may 2011-10-24 6270 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 13:23
[中国风] 鸟鹤蝶 attachment agree yyg 2009-7-21 8320 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 13:22
[动物卡通] DMC K5167 attachment xiazhiyan2009 2010-3-29 3156 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 13:21
[花草] Anchor Maya Tulips close to you attachment tody56 2009-4-10 3356 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 13:19
[人物] md40丰收玫瑰 attachment 朗晴晴 2009-1-19 3601 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 13:15
[动物] 【Dimensions】65037 Flowers and Hummingbird attachment myjowecat 2008-5-9 8674 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 13:14
[静物] Lanarte 34307 Basket with plums attachment 彩云飘飘 2009-7-12 6314 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 13:13
[人物] 【Lanarte】33788 attachment agree lyw8888 2008-7-24 4690 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 13:12
[动物] 【35260 Mare and Foal】【252*216】【绘】 attachment 言火火 2010-1-11 5328 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 13:11
[花草] Lanarte 34713 Yellowfield Flowers attachment agree nawti 2012-7-14 8358 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 13:10
[花草] MAIA 01044 CLOSE TO YOU attachment xstitchlover 2011-5-19 2263 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 13:06
[花草] 盛开的花 attachment 广阔天空88 2013-3-27 4142 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 13:06
[花草] 三朵黄玫瑰 attachment 广阔天空88 2013-3-27 5192 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 13:05
[花草] 【FUJICO 611 DUTCH ROSE】【215*149】【xsd】 attachment xstitchlover 2011-8-2 4135 馨声cherry 2024-5-4 13:02
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