
热搜: dim 原套 自配
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十字绣日记 今日: 1 |主题: 12170|排名: 2 

版主: 雪团
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[开工] Sυgаr→→→one love影子恋人 attachment 白鳗 2011-10-12 7558 白鳗 2011-10-13 08:12
[开工] 【suumis】苏小姐的海景小三联 attachment agree  ...234 suumis 2011-10-7 511738 蓉蓉宝宝 2011-10-12 16:30
[开工] 童年系列——豌豆公主 attachment agree  ...23456 疏淡如水 2011-8-21 792746 月月鸟 2011-10-11 19:20
[开工] Miracle❤十全十美,我也来开个图  ...2 陈纯真 2011-10-11 16835 Veta 2011-10-11 16:42
[开工] [ 皮皮妈]完美之日的完美之选~~~ attachment agree  ...23 crazycat 2011-10-10 361359 ~豆妈~ 2011-10-11 11:07
[开工] 【lily】MD89 - The Bliss Fairy attachment agree  ...2 lily.83 2011-10-9 16993 lily.83 2011-10-10 08:10
[开工] 美人之 DIM3795 Elegance of the Orient attachment agree wyz1219 2011-10-9 101128 相忘于江湖 2011-10-9 21:09
[开工] 【岳麓冷】山寨DIM海盗熊开工啦(10.9更新在14楼) attachment 岳麓冷 2011-10-8 14733 一纸老虎 2011-10-9 14:08
[开工] 可爱新娘新郎 attachment YuanMei 2011-10-5 8566 angelamin 2011-10-8 09:37
[开工] 羞答答的玫瑰静悄悄的开~~08689 attachment agree  ...234 素手馨香 2011-10-5 492052 素手馨香 2011-10-8 08:29
[开工] 山寨BT G10!!! attachment dsnow1120 2011-10-7 8576 yunguofan 2011-10-7 15:26
[开工] 开个应景的《爬楼梯》希望家中二宝快乐在一起 attachment agree  ...2345 皓楠宝宝 2011-10-4 732256 相忘于江湖 2011-10-5 17:19
[开工] 【盼盼】圣诞小鸟... attachment agree  ...2 sunjieying 2011-10-2 201078 sunjieying 2011-10-4 19:35
[开工] 国庆开新咯~~~~~~dim3757牧羊女 attachment  ...2 qian405 2011-10-2 16855 家肥猫 2011-10-3 00:34
[开工] DIM 1499 - 东方大花瓶 attachment agree 冬桑叶 2011-9-29 13637 白小茶 2011-10-2 19:49
[开工] 送朋友的礼物 - 幸福一辈子2 10月开工~ attachment myjl 2011-10-1 7679 luanwuyi 2011-10-1 22:07
[开工] {静静}MH14-0102闪闪惹人爱的海螺 attachment 静静326 2011-10-1 3619 静静326 2011-10-1 17:20
[开工] 白菜的绣绣-小图调剂之 dim 65100 宁静之祷 attachment agree 77号白菜 2011-9-30 12709 clover826 2011-9-30 21:56
[开工] 【燕子】DIM35224 European Bistro attachment agree  ...23456..7 ste葳蕤 2011-9-29 1042625 金豆 2011-9-30 10:40
[开工] 2012。1月开始的日记 attachment  ...2 650308 2011-9-30 21664 BBblue 2011-9-30 10:38
[开工] 【琦琦开P】无赖妈妈之-dim1499东方神韵 attachment agree  ...234 琦琦脸荭荭 2011-9-28 501868 琦琦脸荭荭 2011-9-30 00:31
[开工] 其其の绣······DIM东方大花瓶 attachment agree  ...2 其其· 2011-9-29 25912 其其· 2011-9-29 23:50
[开工] 欧洲小镇 attachment agree  ...23 wlsj 2011-8-16 341070 橘香百合 2011-9-28 16:09
[开工] 花与虫 4套 大家过来围观呀 attachment  ...2 卷毛猪 2011-9-26 15735 心怡绣绣 2011-9-28 08:22
[开工] 记录我的【源远流长】............. attachment agree  ...2 巧妹儿 2011-9-27 19726 相忘于江湖 2011-9-27 13:51
[开工] 处女贴哦-漂亮的海房 attachment agree  ...23 suzannejsp 2011-7-30 311400 andreawu 2011-9-27 10:19
[开工] DIM35256巴黎花市 attachment agree  ...2 moomzx 2011-9-1 20950 糊涂蛋 2011-9-27 09:47
[开工] 阴影花(绣球花)第一次尝试高CT attachment wu112233 2011-8-7 13909 wu112233 2011-9-26 19:34
[开工] 【水水大金班】DIM豹子头之我不是林冲 attachment agree  ...23 月夜龙沙 2011-9-25 411727 panshanhongye 2011-9-26 19:15
[开工] [颖]-中国红 attachment 颖子妈 2011-9-26 8531 jellychin 2011-9-26 11:44
[开工] MD103莎士比亚的精灵 attachment agree  ...2 tonysah 2011-9-23 221200 时之砂 2011-9-26 00:31
[开工] DIM玩具熊~5月20开工~ attachment agree 小觅觅 2011-9-25 10609 小觅觅 2011-9-25 16:23
[开工] Soda SO-378 attachment mmm20072 2011-8-23 14561 一蜘小蛛 2011-9-25 14:41
[开工] ❤饭饭の绣绣❤2011第4弹-DIM小金-雪人之吻(9.24更) attachment agree  ...23456..7 tiffinmandy 2011-8-28 922498 tiffinmandy 2011-9-24 08:59
[开工] DIM35185 Romantic Floral 浪漫花语 attachment agree  ...23456..7 幸福的生活 2011-9-15 972970 水驿春回 2011-9-23 10:51
[开工] 山寨版的花车(第一次更新了) attachment agree  ...23456 香墨弯弯画 2011-9-2 772210 香墨弯弯画 2011-9-22 13:31
[开工] 我的小金日记 attachment agree  ...2 册册 2011-9-20 22905 helen-l 2011-9-21 12:42
[开工] ♥~ஐ咔咔ஐ~♥。。海边滴小背影^^^^^^^^9.19一更 attachment agree  ...2345 鬼冢咔咔 2011-9-7 712388 smilesisi 2011-9-19 16:22
[开工] DMC-Wine Tasting attachment agree 木椟 2011-9-8 6479 jbrneko 2011-9-16 14:20
[开工] 【点点】dim8783- 9.1开工 attachment agree  ...23 幸福终点站 2011-9-1 401221 cc_wwj 2011-9-16 08:11
[开工] 海盗熊 attachment agree  ...2 雪影敖菊 2011-9-11 15776 btxd1009 2011-9-13 19:02
[开工] 【岚】DIM 65038 Golden Puppy(9/23 更 新) agree   岚 2011-9-12 13820 藏宝图 2011-9-13 14:17
[开工] 庆月饼节,开个小图<busy hands happy hearts> 72374-9.11日更 attachment  ...2 doll_tt 2011-9-10 161063 doll_tt 2011-9-12 18:08
[开工] 动手第一记,给我的山寨DIM 16740---成品了 attachment agree  ...2 小小辣椒 2011-9-10 241053 小小辣椒 2011-9-12 15:37
[开工] 袜子控开工啦~~~DS首开DIM8751 Cute Carolers Stocking attachment zzhheenn 2011-9-10 8858 军波 2011-9-11 00:02
[开工] 繡到聖誕節應該差不多, 哈哈 attachment  ...2 CONNIEMA0917 2011-9-8 15680 CONNIEMA0917 2011-9-10 11:41
[开工] 【小鹿】の小母鸡,鸡现在主要业务不下蛋了说 attachment ciervo 2011-9-9 13589 ciervo 2011-9-9 15:03
[开工] 【11のJC】Dim Gold collection 6904 /09.02开工 attachment agree  ...234 jellychin 2011-9-2 552203 垂泪红颜 2011-9-7 16:48
[开工] 生日开贴 玫瑰的心 attachment agree  ...2 阳光的味道 2011-9-4 24907 小圆圆 2011-9-7 08:06
[开工] 小楠子开工 DIM 缝纫猫猫 9.5更新下 attachment  ...2 chennan840907 2011-9-2 201104 chennan840907 2011-9-5 14:39
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